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Manufacturers of lamps and luminaires for general lighting purposes must consider light flicker when qualifying product safety in terms of EMC immunity requirements. In addition to the influence of mains voltage fluctuations, flicker effects caused by the lamp and the luminaire itself must be taken into account.
With the PFL-200, Gigahertz Optik GmbH, a renowned measuring device manufacturer, offers a light flicker amplifier for all BNC detectors. Combined with a programmable AC source, the PFL-200 becomes a comprehensive flicker test system for lamps and luminaires including voltage fluctuation immunity tests IEC TR 61547-1:2017. See technical article about TLA. If spectral measurements are needed as well the BTS256-EF instead of the PFL-200 would be the perfect solution.
PFL-200 – Flicker meter
In its function as a light-flicker meter, the PFL-200 supports all current flicker measurements:
In addition, the PFL-200 allows flicker tests according to IEC TR 61547 when operated in combination with power supply LPS-CH-500. These tests aim to probe flicker stability when light sources are operated in an AC circuit under the influence of disturbance signals.
User Software S-BTS256
The PFL-200 is operated with the comprehensive and powerful S-BTS256 software. This allows a variety of evaluations such as SVM and Pst.
Calibration of the PFL-200
One essential quality feature of a transimpedance amplifier is their precise and traceable current calibration of all ranges. Every PFL-200 device is delivered with its respective calibration certificate.
Options for the PFL-200 flicker amplifier
Software development kit for integration of the device in the user’s own software
In combination with software tool S-T-Flicker and the programmable AC Source LPS-CH-500 Gigahertz-Optik GmbH offers a functional extension of the BTS256-EF for an test system according to the IEC TR 61547-1:2017 Equipment for general lighting purposes - EMC immunity requirements - Part 1: An objective light flicker and fluctuation immunity test method.