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Calibration standard lamp for spectral irradiance

  • 1000W tungsten halogen lamp
  • Burn-in certificate
  • Stable filament
  • Vertical calibration from 250 nm to 2500 nm with factory or DAkkS ISO 17025 certificate

Calibration standards

Calibration standards enable the calibration and comparison of measurement instruments to absolute measurement quantities. Calibration standards provide a reference signal corresponding to the measurement quantity to be calibrated. The reference signal of the calibration standard is calibrated in the respective measurement quantity. The calibration of the measurement instrument is performed by comparing the measurement signal of the measurement device with the standard specifications in the calibration certificate. Deviations are compensated for by adjusting the measurement instrument accordingly.

Spectral irradiance

The spectral irradiance [W/m²·nm-1] is important for qualification of the incident radiant flux of a reference plane. Spectralradiometers are the typical measurement devices for the spectral irradiance. Calibration of the spectralradiometer is done using a calibration standard lamp for the irradiance.

BN-9101 calibration standard lamp

The BN-9101 calibration standard lamp has a 1000W quartz halogen bulb that is ideal for the usable spectral range between 250 and 2500nm and characterized by its stable filament. Since 1991, Gigahertz-Optik GmbH manufactures and calibrates this calibration standard that was designed in consultation with PTB Braunschweig (Federal Physical-Technical Institute). The lamp is firmly fixed into the socket. The electrical contact is installed through braze-welding. This sophisticated mounting and electrical connection ensures maximum position stability of the lamp and maintains a constant electrical resistance at the contacts. The standard lamp connection is done using robust ceramic terminal strips. Each standard lamp is burned-in before it is calibrated. The suitability of the lamp as a calibration standard is assessed based on its burn-in behavior.

BN-9101-2 with FEL lamp from Osram Sylvania

In the short wavelength spectral range, the 1000W quart halogen lamp from Osram Sylvania provides a lower UV irradiance level compared to the BN-9101-1 version. As a result, this model has a longer and stable lifetime.

BN-9101Z-01 transparent target

The BN-9101Z-01 crosshair is fastened onto the socket of the standard lamp using dowel pins. It enables precise alignment of the measurement instrument during calibration of the standard lamp and the calibrating measurement devices to the same point of the lamp filament.

Traceable factory calibrations

The factory calibrations of the spectral irradiance are performed by Gigahertz-Optik’s calibration laboratory for optical radiation measurement quantities. The calibrations are traceable to calibration standards of Gigahertz-Optik’s calibration laboratory that is accredited by ISO/IEC 17025 (D-K-15047-01-00). Calibration and results of the calibration are confirmed by a calibration certificate conforming to the ISO 17025 specifications.

ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations

The ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations of the spectral irradiance are performed by the Gigahertz-Optik’s calibration laboratory that is accredited by the ISO/IEC 17025 (D-K-15047-01-00). Calibration and results of the calibration are confirmed by a calibration certificate conforming to ISO/IEC calibration certificate.

Typical emission spectrum

Typical emission spectrum

BN-9101 with BN-9101Z-01 cross hairs

BN-9101 with BN-9101Z-01 cross hairs

Example of the operation of a standard lamp in constant current mode with voltage measurement at the lamp base/socket and indirect current measurement using a calibrated shunt resistor

Example of the operation of a standard lamp in constant current mode with voltage measurement at the lamp base/socket and indirect current measurement using a calibrated shunt resistor

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Calibration standard lamp for spectral irradiance. Features: 1000 W tungsten halogen lamp. Burn-in certificate. Stable filament. Vertical calibration from 250-2150 nm with factory certificate.