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Medidores de luz para LEDs

Fotómetros para la medición de LEDs visibles y radiómetros para LEDs UV , visibles y NIR.

Light meters for the photometric, radiometric and flicker measurement of UV-visible-NIR LEDs

Model Image Spectral function Wavelength range (nm) Entrance optic Typ. Range Minimum SNR=50 100ms integration Typ. Range Maximum Remark

X1-RCH-116 Medidor de curado LED UV

X1-RCH-116 Medidor de curado LED UV LED λ's: 365, 375, 385, 395, 405 & 430 nm 350 - 450 Diffuser 9 mmØ 1 mW/cm² 40000 mW/cm² High-power LEDs for radiation curing

X1 + MDC4-1-UV

BTS256-LED Irradiance (W/m²) 220 nm - 400 nm 5mm Diffuser, Cosine FOV, f2<5% @222 nm: 41 W/cm² @254 nm: 19 W/cm² @270 nm: 15 W/cm² @280 nm: 14 W/cm² @340 nm: 10 W/cm² @365 nm: 9 W/cm² Low measurement errors and easy to use integral detector due to automatic wavelength detection (centroid wavelength).


BTS256-LED Irradiance (W/m²) 300 nm - 700 nm 5mm Diffuser, Cosine FOV, f2<5% @270 nm: 22 W/cm² @365 nm: 7,6 W/cm² @385 nm: 6 W/cm² @405 nm: 5 W/cm² @435 nm: 4,2 W/cm² @460 nm: 3,8 W/cm² @700 nm: 12,8 W/cm² Low measurement errors and easy to use integral detector due to automatic wavelength detection (centroid wavelength).


Cure-Met LED λ's: 365, 375, 385, 395, 405 & 430 nm 350 - 450 Diffuser 1 mW/cm² 10 W/cm² UV Curing disc radiometer for high-power LEDs. Suited for conveyor belt applications.

X1 + VL-3701

X1 Photopic; f1 ≤ 3% 380 -780 Diffuser 7 mmØ 1.3 mW/m² 25 kW/m² High precision photometric match. Low measurement uncertainty for white LEDs

X1 + RW-3703

X1 Radiometric VIS 400 - 800 Diffuser 11 mmØ 3.3 mW/m² 667 kW/m² Low measurement uncertainty for monochromatic LEDs due to wavelength calibration

X1 + RW-3704

X1 Radiometric NIR 800 - 1000 Diffuser 11 mmØ 0.13 mW/m² 25 kW/m² Low measurement uncertainty for NIR LEDs through wavelength calibration

PFL-200 + VL-3701

PFL-200 Photopic; f1 ≤ 3% 380 -780 Diffuser 2 mlx 400 klx Flicker Amplifier for SVM, Pst, etc., USB interface, intuitive software and flicker evaluation included,