Gigahertz Optik logotipo

Contacto rápido

Gigahertz Optik GmbH (Sede central)
Teléfono: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

Gigahertz-Optik, Inc. (Oficina de US)
Teléfono: +1-978-462-1818

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Estándares calibrados de reflectancia difusa

Patrones de calibración de reflexión difusa en material sintético ODM y ODMP

Model Image Reflectance Spectral range / nm Dimensions Housing Remark
BN-R98-D2C BN-Rxx-D2 98% 250 - 2450 50.8 mm Ø With protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R70-D2C BN-Rxx-D2 70% 250 - 2450 50.8 mm Ø With protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R50-D2C BN-Rxx-D2 50% 250 - 2450 50.8 mm Ø With protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R20-D2C BN-Rxx-D2 20% 250 - 2450 50.8 mm Ø With protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R02-D2C BN-Rxx-D2 2% 250 - 2450 50.8 mm Ø With protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R98-SQ12C BN-Rxx-SQ 98% 250 - 2450 305 x 305 mm Metal with protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R98-SQ10C BN-Rxx-SQ 98% 250 - 2450 254 x 254 mm Metal with protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R98-SQ5C BN-Rxx-SQ 98% 250 - 2450 127 x 127 mm Metal with protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R98-SQ2C BN-Rxx-SQ 98% 250 - 2450 254 x 254 mm Metal with protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R50-SQ10C BN-Rxx-SQ 50% 250 - 2450 254 x 254 mm Metal with protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R20-SQ10C BN-Rxx-SQ 20% 250 - 2450 254 x 254 mm Metal with protective cap Calibration certificate included.
BN-R02-SQ10C BN-Rxx-SQ 2% 250 - 2450 254 x 254 mm Metal with protective cap Calibration certificate included.