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Measure in the UV with this high-quality compact spectroradiometer
Photobiological risk group classification (spectral or integral measurement)


Detector for UV Hazard Measurements

  • UV-A and UV-BC actinic irradiance, UV-A radiometric irradiance
  • 45 mm diameter, including Adapter for 80° FOV
  • For the usage with X1-3 optometer
  • Compatible to standards IEC/EN 62471 and EN 14255-1 as well as guideline 2006/25/EC
  • Including calibration certificate

The XD-45-HUV irradiance detector is designed for the evaluation of light exposure hazard values for artificial light sources. The three sensor design of this unique device covers the requirements for skin and eye risk assessment. It supports a number of standards and regulations:

  • IEC 62471:2006 and EN 62471:2008
  • 2006/25/EC
  • EN 14255-1

ICNIRP/ACGIH spectral responsivity 

The spectral effective function required for skin and eye risk evaluation is formed using two filtered sensors. This prevents the cross-talk and limited sensitivity between the UV-A, UV-B and UV-C spectral ranges inherent in a single filtered sensor solution. Using the two sensor method also produces a much better simulation of the intended spectral effectiveness function. 

Additional radiometric UV-A responsivity 

An additional UV-A sensor for the evaluation of UV-A315nm-400nm human eye risk is included. All three sensors are mounted behind one 20 mm diameter cosine diffuser. For measurements of eye dependent radiance values a front adapter is supplied to limit the detector field-of-view to 80 degrees. 

Traceable calibration 

Calibration of the detector ICNIRP (W/m²) and UV-A (W/m²) responsivity is performed by the Gigahertz-Optik GmbH calibration laboratory for optical radiation measurements quantities. As with all light detectors supplied by Gigahertz-Optik calibration of absolute detector responsivity as well as detector individual measured relative spectral responsivity data is included. 

Recommended optometer 

For applications involving steady state light the X13 optometer is recommended. For unstable or short event light the optometer P-9801 should be selected.

XD-45-HUV - UV-CBeff and UV-Aeff Sensor - Typical Spectral Responsivity

XD-45-HUV - UV-CBeff and UV-Aeff Sensor - Typical Spectral Responsivity

XD-45-HUV - UV-A Sensor - Typical Spectral Responsivity

XD-45-HUV - UV-A Sensor - Typical Spectral Responsivity