Gigahertz Optik logotipo

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Gigahertz Optik GmbH (Sede central)
Teléfono: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

Gigahertz-Optik, Inc. (Oficina de US)
Teléfono: +1-978-462-1818

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Productos alternativos para este producto descatalogado:

PD-11 Series
Detector head with DP-11 mount
Photometric, temperature stabilized detector with DP-11 mount


Photometric detector head with VL-11 mount. Features: modular detector for use with integrating spheres, front lenses etc. For use with optometers and signal amplifiers


Modular light detectors are designed to be combined with optics and mechanical components to configure complete light detection assemblies for a specific light measurement application. A mechanical interface is provided to make mounting or adding other components easy and flexible.

Photometric Detector for use with Compact Integrating Spheres

The VL-11 series detectors with a diameter of only 11mm are compact in size and fit the DP-11 interface directly or can be mounted to most Gigahertz-Optik integrating spheres using an adapter. The VL-1101 is a modular photometric detector with an accurate CIE V(λ) spectral match. It is most commonly used with integrating spheres for total flux measurements or as monitor detector on integrating sphere light sources.

Front Lens Adapter for Luminance Measurements

The application range of the VL-1101 detector can be extended for luminance measurement using the add-on PD-11Z-01 front lens.

Traceable Calibration

Optional calibration is available by Gigahertz-Optik’s Calibration Laboratory for Optical Radiation Quantities.


Productos similares

Photometric, temperature stabilized detector with DP-11 mount
Detector head with DP-11 mount
Module detector head for the measurement of photopic illuminance in Lux [lx]. Features: UMPA adapter for usage with integrating spheres, for the usage with optometers and amplifiers, calibration certificate