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UV detector for germicidal lamps

  • Calibration factors for excimer lamps at 222 nm
  • UV LEDs from 220 nm to 300 nm
  • and low pressure Hg lamps at 254 nm

UV-3727 Irradiance Detector

for 222nm excimer lamps, UVC LEDs and low-pressure Hg lamps

The UV-37 series detectors are specially designed for radiometric measurements in the UV spectral region and have been proven in industrial and scientific use over many years. The UV-3727 model provides the particular capability of measuring 222 nm excimer lamps (Kr-Cl) typically used for germicidal applications.  Additionally, it enables the measurement of other UVC germicidal source types including low pressure Hg lamps and UV LEDs.

The UV-3727 detector incorporates a photodiode that has extended deep-UV responsivity. Only radiation in the required spectral sensitivity range is measured (Figure 2). In addition to its calibration at 222 nm, selectable calibration factors for common UV LED wavelengths and low-pressure Hg lamps are included.

Cosine Corrected Field-of-View and Pre-Aged for High-Stability

To measure the irradiance, the detector’s entrance optic is a diffuser with a cosine field of view, which must be positioned in the desired plane of measurement. The diffuser and photodiode are pre-aged with UV radiation to significantly reduce the inevitable aging process that results from exposure to UV radiation. The UV-3727 detector shows very little aging effects even in intensive use. Any changes are recorded and corrected as part of the recommended annual recalibration.

Highly Linear Detector

The photodiode of the UV-3727 detector offers a strictly linear relationship between the measurement signal and the irradiance in the range from a few pico amps (10-12 A) to several micro amps (10-6 A). When connected to the Gigahertz-Optik X1-1 meter (Figure 1) it provides a linear measurement range up to at least 1000 mW/cm² with a resolution of 0.002 µW/cm² (@222 nm).

Traceable Calibration

Reliable measurements in absolute units require the calibration of the measuring device with traceability to national metrological institute (NMI) standards. Since 1993, the Gigahertz-Optik measuring laboratory has been accredited as a calibration laboratory by the PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) and the DAkkS (German Accreditation Body) for the measurement of spectral responsivity and spectral irradiance (D-K-15047-01-00). Since then, all factory calibrations have been closely based on the calibration standards and quality management of the accredited calibration laboratory. Therefore, the factory calibrations of Gigahertz-Optik offer the highest possible level of traceability and are accepted worldwide.

In accordance with the requirements of individual industrial sectors, part of the calibration laboratory is accredited as a DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 test laboratory by the DAkkS (D-PL-15047-01-00). As a result, Gigahertz-Optik can optionally offer a DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 test certificate for the calibration of the X1-1-UV-3727 in addition to the factory certificate.

The UV-3727 detector is calibrated for its spectral responsivity. When performing a measurement, either the 222 nm excimer wavelength or the nominal wavelength of the UV-LED or Hg lamp can be selected on the X1-1 meter.


Typical spectral sensitivity of the UV-3727 detector shown.

Typical spectral sensitivity of the UV-3727 detector shown.

Typical spectral power distribution of Kr-Cl excimer lamp with filter used for germicidal applications.

Typical spectral power distribution of Kr-Cl excimer lamp with filter used for germicidal applications.

Mobile UV radiometer with separate measuring device and detector for measuring irradiance and dose of 222nm excimer lamps as well as Hg lamps and UVC LEDs.

Mobile UV radiometer with separate measuring device and detector for measuring irradiance and dose of 222nm excimer lamps as well as Hg lamps and UVC LEDs.

COS response

COS response

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