Gigahertz Optik logotipo

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Gigahertz Optik GmbH (Sede central)
Teléfono: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

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Teléfono: +1-978-462-1818

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Detector for Blue-Light Hazard Measurements


Detector for Blue-light hazard measurements. Features: Single-cell detector, BLH actinic irradiance, for the use with optometer, calibration certificate


In most Blue Light Hazard applications radiance is measured except in spot source configurations where irradiance measurements are appropriate. The UV-3709 is a single sensor blue light hazard detector with spectral response in the wavelength range from 380 to 550nm. It is recommended for measuring sources with low UV-A and Red radiation content. 

Traceable calibration 

Calibration of the detector blue light hazard effective (W/m²) responsivity is performed by the Gigahertz-Optik GmbH calibration laboratory for optical radiation measurements quantities. As with all light detectors supplied by Gigahertz-Optik calibration of absolute detector responsivity as well as detector individual measured relative spectral responsivity data is included.

Typical Spectral Response

Typical Spectral Response

Productos similares

Detector for Blue-Light Hazard Measurements
Optometer for the measurement of UV and Blue-light hazard of artificial radiation source.