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UMMP ports

Ports for the hollow spheres of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres. Features: Ports without port frames for small wall thickness.

UMMP ports

Modular integrating sphere concept

The modular integrating sphere concept from Gigahertz-Optik offers a high flexibility level when it comes to individual configuration of integrating spheres. In addition to the various components such as port frames, baffles and sockets that can be directly mounted onto the integrating sphere, port adapters with different functions are also offered

Sphere ports without frames

For applications where port frames are not desired, ports can be milled in the sphere walls. Different designs are hereby offered.

Sphere ports with a circumferential step

Sphere ports that have a circumferential step enable fixation of a dust and light protection cap.

Sphere ports with knife edge

In cases where very thin edges are required, the sphere port can be designed with the so called knife-edge. This design does not allow for insertion of protection caps.

UMMP sphere port with a step for fixation of a dust and light protection cap. The picture shows an integrating sphere with a synthetic ODM98 coating.

UMMP sphere port with a step for fixation of a dust and light protection cap. The picture shows an integrating sphere with a synthetic ODM98 coating.

UMMP sphere port with knife-edge. The picture shows an integrating sphere with a synthetic ODM98 coating.

UMMP sphere port with knife-edge. The picture shows an integrating sphere with a synthetic ODM98 coating.

Productos similares

UMMP ports
Port plugs for the port Frames of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres. Level equal to the hollow sphere surface. Barium sulfate or synthetical coating. For use with UMPF port frames.
UMMP ports
Port reducer for the port frames of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres. Features: Closure surface equal to the hollow sphere surface. Barium sulfate or synthetical coating. Trough-holes or knife-edge with different diameters. For use with UMPF port frames.
UMMP ports
Port adapter for use with UMPF-0.5 port frame of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres. Features: To attach TD-11, PD-11 or VL-11 detectors and UFC-11 fiber connectors. Optional diffuser window.