Gigahertz Optik logotipo

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Gigahertz Optik GmbH (Sede central)
Teléfono: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

Gigahertz-Optik, Inc. (Oficina de US)
Teléfono: +1-978-462-1818

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Bulbs measuring socket for the use with integrating spheres. Features: GX53 socket. Four-line connection of the lamp socket for a separate power supply and voltage measurement.


Modular integrating sphere concept

The modular integrating sphere concept from Gigahertz-Optik offers a high flexibility level when it comes to individual configuration of integrating spheres. In addition to the various components such as port frames, baffles and sockets that can be directly mounted onto the integrating sphere, numerous port adapters with different functions are offered.

Holder for the GX53 lamp socket

Test sockets are used for fixation and operation of lamps with standard lamp sockets. The UMLA-SHAP-GX53 precision test socket has a 2-pole holder. The holder is attached on a pole for mounting in SHAP holders.

More complementary products

Gigahertz-Optik offers a wide range of port adapters, light sources, radiation detectors and light meters which can be combined for various applications.

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Bulbs measuring socket for the use with integrating spheres. Features: E27 socket. Quadrupole connecting the lamp to a galvanically isolated power supply and voltage measurement
Bulbs measuring socket for the use with integrating spheres. Features: E14 socket. Quadrupole connecting the lamp to a galvanically isolated power supply and voltage measurement
Bulbs measuring socket for the use with integrating spheres. Features: G9 socket. Four-line connection of the lamp socket for a separate power supply and voltage measurement.
Bulbs measuring socket for the use with integrating spheres. Features: GU10 socket. Four-line connection of the lamp socket for a separate power supply and voltage measurement.
Bulbs measuring socket for the use with integrating spheres. Features: GU5.3 socket. Four-line connection of the lamp socket for a separate power supply and voltage measurement.