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Hollow sphere of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres

  • 7.5 in / 190 mm diameter sphere
  • 98% synthetical coating

UMBK-190 Base Integrating Sphere

190 mm / 7.5" inner diameter ODM98 coated basic sphere for use with optional mount, stand and other accessory components. 

UMBK-190-M Base Integrating Sphere with Flange Mount 

190 mm / 7.5" inner diameter ODM98 coated base sphere with assembled UMSS-SMT flange mount set for use with optional accessory components.

UMBK-190-BT Base Integrating Sphere with Stand 

190 mm / 7.5" inner diameter ODM98 coated base sphere with UMSS-BT-210 bench top stand for use with optional accessory components.

UMBK-190 base integrating sphere

UMBK-190 base integrating sphere

UMBK-190-M base integrating sphere with mount

UMBK-190-M base integrating sphere with mount

UMBK-190-BT base integrating sphere with stand

UMBK-190-BT base integrating sphere with stand

Productos similares

Hollow sphere of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres
Hollow sphere of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres