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Preconfigured hollow sphere of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres. Features: uniform light source applications. 4.0 in / 101.6 mm dia luminous area. Four source ports. 12 in / 300 mm dia sphere. 97% barium sulfate coating.


Homogenous panel radiators

For pixel responsivity adjustment of CCD and CMOS arrays as well as digital cameras and telescopes, uniform panel light sources are required as their illumination field exhibits a magnificent level of luminance homogeneity. In order to achieve the best luminance homogeneity levels, integrating sphere light sources are used.

Integrating sphere light sources

Integrating spheres obtain homogenous illuminance on their inner walls through diffuse multiple reflection. This ensures uniform luminance distribution at the light exit port of the integrating sphere light sources.

UMBB-300-BT-S-1-3 base sphere for integrating sphere light sources

The UMBB-300-BT-S-1-3 is an example of the high flexibility level in designing integrating spheres using our modular concept integrating spheres. The sphere provides an illumination field with a 101.6mm diameter and has ports for mounting four light sources. Three of these ports are equipped with the UMPF-1.5 port frame which allows for mounting of LS-IS1.5 halogen lamps. The fourth port frame is designed for attachment of an external LS-OK30 lamp. A baffle is used to prevent direct illumination of the light exit port. The sphere is also equipped with an integrated table stand.

Reflective coating made of barium sulfate

The UMBB-300-BT-S-1-3 is coated with Gigahertz-Optik‘s self-manufactured ODP97 barium sulfate diffusely reflective coating. The multilayer coating guarantees excellent diffuse reflective properties over the entire usable spectral range.

Complementary products and services

For further enhancement of the UMBB-300-BT-S-1-3, Gigahertz-Optik offers a wide range of port adapters and sphere accessories which include port reducers, light sources, lamp power adapters, monitor detectors and light meters.

ISS-30-BT-1-3 integrating sphere source set-up with UMBB-300-BT-S-1-3 and configured with lamps, monitor detector and control electronics.

ISS-30-BT-1-3 integrating sphere source set-up with UMBB-300-BT-S-1-3 and configured with lamps, monitor detector and control electronics.

ISS-30-BT-1-3 integrating sphere source set-up with UMBB-300-BT-S-1-3 and configured with lamps, monitor detector and control electronics.

ISS-30-BT-1-3 integrating sphere source set-up with UMBB-300-BT-S-1-3 and configured with lamps, monitor detector and control electronics.

Productos similares

Hollow sphere of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres
Hollow sphere of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres