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Sun tracker for use with e.g. BTS2048-xx-WP series meter for direct solar irradiance measurement.

  • Compact size and robust
  • Weather proof
  • Included software

Compact sun tracker design

The SUT-1711 is a compact sun tracker for worldwide use under all weather conditions. It is equipped with a tripod stand and a spirit level for adjustment.

Payload designed for single devices

The accurate motion system does not require maintenance. The maximum payload depends on the resulting leverage and is typically limited to 8 kg. The unit is perfectly suited for use with the BTS2048-xx-WP series spectroradiometers.

Fine sun tracking accessory

For extended accuracy sun tracking a direct sun sensor with integrated GPS receiver and four quadrant diode can be used (accessory SUT-Z01). This system automatically configures location and provides precise time information. This sensor is usually connected with the measurement device and communicates via the application software supplied with the sun tracker.

Software controlled 

The SUT-1711 can be controlled by a software development kit (SDK) or by the application software of the attached Gigahertz-Optik measurement device (e.g. BTS2048-xx-WP series). The software automatically controls the SUT-1711 in order to track the sun position depending on the GPS position and time. For even more precise control and automatic setup the fine sun tracking accessory SUT-Z01 is recommended.


SUT-1711 equipped with BTS2048-UV-S-WP and tube for direct sun measurement

SUT-1711 equipped with BTS2048-UV-S-WP and tube for direct sun measurement

Productos similares

UV Spectroradiometer on Sun tracker for direct solar irradiance measurement and TOC determination