Gigahertz Optik logotipo

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Gigahertz Optik GmbH (Sede central)
Teléfono: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

Gigahertz-Optik, Inc. (Oficina de US)
Teléfono: +1-978-462-1818

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Productos alternativos para este producto descatalogado:

BTS256-LED Tester
Compact BiTec Spectroradiometer LED Tester for the Measurement of Total Luminous Flux of Single VIS and NIR LEDs


Application software for the TR9600 variants.


The software allows the full control of the device settings like measurement time, measurement settings, mathematical corrections, evaluations, etc.

Several numerical and graphical displays

The S-TR9600 software contains several numerical and graphical displays for visualization of your measured data. These displays are user selected from the view menu and can be positioned anywhere within the application window. Each individual display arrangement can be stored and reloaded. Furthermore two different color schemes are offered, normal and dark room mode with darker background to prevent stray light from the display from reach the detector.

Numerical windows:

  • intensity values
  • commment/status
  • measurement settings
  • pulse values
  • GBD angles
  • etc.

Graphic windows:

  • timechart
  • datalogger
  • polar plot (2D) by goniomeric measurements
  • polar plot (3D) by goniomeric measurements
  • etc.

External devices

In addition external devices like power supplies or goniometers can be controleld with the S-TR9600.

Data Export to common file formats

Data can be exported in different formats (IES, Eulumdat, ASCII, Microsoft Excel)

IES format (only with goniometer): IES stands for Illuminating Engineering Society. IES standard file format was created for the electronic transfer of photometric data. It has been widely used by many lighting manufacturers and is one of the industry standards in photometric data distribution.

EULUMDAT format (only with goniometer): EULUMDAT is a format for electronic transfer of photometric data. The typical file extension is “*.ldt“. The format was created 1990 and is a de facto standard in European industry.


The S-TR9600 is bassed on a database architecture, this allows the handling of a large number of measurements. Furthmore datasets can be easily saved, loaded and exported.

Report Generation

Based on the database an export of measurement data to an Microsoft Word file is provided. The data which is exported is customable by the user.

Software of TR9600

Software of TR9600

sx4 Goniometer Course Generator

sx4 Goniometer Course Generator

Polar Plot

Polar Plot

exemplary measurement data of the software

exemplary measurement data of the software

Productos similares

Software Development Kit for TR9600 variants.