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Productos alternativos para este producto descatalogado:
Software Development Kit for BTS2048 variants.

Software Development Kit
Gigahertz-Optik offers programmers the S-SDK-BTS2048 Software Development Tool. The SDKs simplify integration of the BTS2048 and its variants in own software.
The S-SDK-xx is a C library (DLLs) that can be integrated into many programming environments (C#, LabView, Python, Matlab, .NET, Delphi, etc.). Beside the .dll's and LabView VI's a comprehensive documentation is delivered.
The programmer is able to control all functions of the device like: measurement routines, complex evaluations (color values (CIE 1931, CIE 1976, CIE 170, TM-30-15, etc.), spectral values, etc.), re-calibrations, etc.
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