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8-Channel High Class Current Amplifier/Optometer
- 8 channel laboratory optometer with signal amplifier for each channel
- Sample & hold ADC for clocked recording of the measurement signals
- RS232 and IEEE488 interface
- Trigger input and output

The P-9801 series optometers are one of the most powerful light measurement instruments available for multiple light detector head applications.
For use in those applications the P-9801 features:
Industries most powerful and fastest multichannel light meter
- simultaneous measurement of all eight detector channels
- wide linear detector signal dynamic range
- short rise time with variable sampling rate
- fast multi-channel data-logging
- manual and remote control operation
- RS232 and IEEE488 interface
- powerful 16 bit microprocessor with large memory
- external trigger input with pre-trigger function
True eight-channel operation
The P-9801 is a true eight-channel optometer desingned with eight photocurrent-to-voltage amplifiers (no multiplexing) and eight 12 bit highly linear analogue-to-digital converters (ADC) enabling signal sampling of all channels simultaneously.
Ten magnitudes dynamic current measurement range
Each channel’s wide 0.1 pA to 2 mA signal range covers the dynamic range of most current semiconductor photodiodes for nearly unrestricted use in any light measurement application. The dynamic range is supported by 8 gain ranges each calibrated for 0.2 % precision.
Adjustable integration time
The fast sampling rate of the P-9801 ADC enables an adjustable integration time of 1 ms up to 999 s formed by the average of multiple measurements with 100 µs integration time. This averaging feature support fast data logger measurements used in peak-to-peak, short pulse energy measurements and other modes.
Metal housing for use in strong electromagnetic environments
The P-9801 features a high quality metal housing for best EMV shielding and rack mount option for protection in strong ambient electromagnetic environments, as in high power arc lamp measurement for example.
Three different versions for universal use in high speed applications
P-9801-V01 is set-up with a gain dependent slew rate of 2 ms to 10 ms for universal light measurement purposes.
P-9801-V02 amplifier offers a gain range independent rise time for the pulse energy measurement of short light flashes using a pulse stretching method.
P-9801-V03 offers a fast rise time of 1 ms for high speed data logger applications with external trigger and pre-trigger function.
Measurement Range Specifications with Light Detectors
The measurement range of optometer combined with light detector is calculated by the measurement range specification of the optometer and the responsivity of the detector head as follows:
- Offset signal
= Maximum Resolution = meter current offset signal / detector sensitivity
Sample: 0.1 pA (0.1E - 12 A) / 3 nA/(mW/cm²) (irradiance detector) = 0.33 nW/cm²
- Minimum measureable irradiation
= offset signal * signal to noise ratio factor
Sample: 0.33 nW/cm² * 50 = 17 nW/cm²
- Maximum measureable irradiation *
= max. signal current detector / detector sensitivity
Sample: 1 mA (10E - 3 A) / 3 nA/(mW/cm²) = 333333 W/cm²
- Display range
= Offset signal to maximum measureable signal
Sample: 0.33 nW/cm² to 333333 W/cm²
- Measurement range
= min measureable irradiation to maximum measureable irradiation
Sample: 17 nW/cm² to 333333 W/cm²
*) The maximum measureable irradiation value may also be limited by thermal radiation, intense UV radiation or other application dependent parameters which must be considered by the end-user.

P-9801 Front

P-9801 Back
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