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Scotopic detector head with M30x1 mount

  • Modular detector for use MD-37, SRT and other accessories
  • Scotopic responsivity
  • Foruse with optometers and signal amplifiers

Modular Light Measurement Technology

Some applications of light measurement technology require measuring instruments that are not available as standard. To simplify individual solutions Gigahertz Optik GmbH offers a number of modular assemblies. These can be combined as needed.

Scotopoic Module Detector

The high quality, large-area Si photodiode of the MD-37-SU100-VLS measuring head is carefully adapted to the scotopic DIN and CIE V '(λ) curve by means of a multilayer optical correction filter. The V '(λ) adaptation of the measuring head corresponds in total to the DIN 5032-7 quality class B.

Extensive Accessories with M30x1 Connection

Matching the MD-37-SU100-VLS module detector with its front-mounted M30x1 tapped hole, there are accessories that can be attached directly to the detector.

Use with all Optometers

The detector can be combined with all Optometers, Amplifiers, Display Meters and light measuring devices from Gigahertz Optik GmbH.

Traceable Calibration

The MD-37-SU100-VLS module detector can be calibrated for absolute illuminance sensitivity and relative spectral sensitivity. In conjunction with accessories, calibrations are offered in the corresponding photometric quantities. The calibrations are carried out by the calibration laboratory for optical radiation of Gigahertz Optik GmbH. The calibrations are documented in an individually prepared calibration certificate. The calibration certificate complies with the ISO 17025 specifications in terms of design and content.


typical V(λ’) responsivity

typical V(λ’) responsivity

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