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Filter holder for use with lamp LS-OK30. Features: Housing for exchangeable filter mounts. For use with 50mm dia up to 3mm thick filter.


The LS-OK30-FH enables installation of neutral and/or correction filters between the LS-OK30 light source and the integrating sphere. This makes intensity change in different levels or spectral influence on the luminous spectrum possible. Due to the extremely high temperatures of the halogen lamps, not all filter designs are appropriate. The 50mm diameter filter with a 3mm maximum width is placed in type LS-OK30-FHI filter pocket. This enables tool free filter change. The filter holder can be combined with the variable baffles.

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Variable aperture for use with lamp LS-OK30. Features: High resolution stepping motor drive for remote control via RS232 interface.
Neutral density filter for use with filter holder LS-OK30-FH. Features: Holes-pattern attenuators. No influence on the light spectrum and color temperature.
Day-light correction filter for use with filter holder LS-OK30-FH. Features: D65 correction of halogenlamps.
Light source for use with the UM series modular construction integrating spheres