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Precision LED power supply

  • With 1500mA current output at a maximum output current of 24V
  • The LPS-20 offers two 16-bit-D/A converters that allow precise current and voltage adjustment
  • Output current as well as output voltage can be measured using a high resolution ADC

LPS-20 Single Channel LED Power Supply

The LPS-20 is a microprocessor-based current and voltage source especially designed for the operation of LEDs, OLEDs and other light sources requiring high resolution, very low noise operating voltage and current that is controllable and measureable. It is set-up for full remote control operation in CW or Flash mode via its RS232 or alternative RS485 opto-coupler isolated interface. DLL and Labview VI are available. Its design includes two high resolution 16 bit digital to analog converters for precise current and voltage control. It can be operated either in constant voltage or constant current mode. The variable (current or voltage) can be measured with a high resolution ADC.  Beside the continuous mode the output of the LPS-20 can be controlled for a defined time (single pulse) with rise time as short as 500µs (load dependent). A standard version with defined maximum output current level is supplied.

LPS-20-xx Versions

LPS-20-1500: max. 1500 mA (30 µA resolution). max. 24V (0.5 V resolution)

LPS-20-1000: max. 1000 mA (20 µA resolution). max. 24V (0.5 V resolution)

LPS-20-100: max. 100 mA (2 µA resolution). max. 24V (0.5 V resolution)

LPS-20-10: max. 10 mA (0.2 µA resolution). max. 24V (0.5 V resolution)



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