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Detector head to measure the photopic spot luminance in cd/m². Features: selectable 20', 1° and 6° viewing angles, view finder, focus able achromatic lens, for the usage with Optometers and amplifiers, calibration certificate.
Precision luminance detector head
For the measurement of spot luminance, Gigahertz-Optik GmbH offers the LDM-9810 viewfinder optics that can be combined with the PD-16VL01 photometer detector.
Adjustable measurement field angles
The luminance detector head has 3 adjustable measurement field angles with 20 minutes, 1 degree and 6 degrees which can be setup at the same measurement distance.
High-quality focusable lens with viewfinder
The LDM-9810 viewfinder has a high-quality, chromatically corrected lens. The measurement distance ranges from 0.33m to infinity. Measurement field targeting and focusing can be done using the viewfinder.
Close-up lenses for measurement spots up to 0.1mm
The optional LDM-98Z-NL close-up lens enables 1:1 to 2:1 mappings. Measurement field sizes starting from the 0.1mm range make it possible to perform luminance measurements over very tiny illuminated surfaces.
Photometric DIN 532 T7 quality class A
The matching of the photometric responsivity of the PD-16VL01 detector combined with the LDM-9810 viewfinder corresponds to the DIN 5032 quality class A.
Extensive selection of optometers
The LDM-9810 luminance measurement head with the PD-16VL01 can be combined with all optometers from Gigahertz-Optik.
Traceable calibration
Calibration of the luminance responsivity in A/(cd/m²) is performed by Gigahertz-Optik‘s calibration laboratory for optical measurands. The details provided in the calibration certificate are as stipulated by the ISO 17025 specifications.
9810_PD-16VL01 typical spectral responsivity
PD-16VL photometric detecor for use with LDM-9810 and LDM-9811
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