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Integrating Sphere Source for use as Transfer Standard for Spectral Radiance in Fluorescence Spectroscopy

  • Low spectral radiance
  • Compact size with 20mm diameter light port
  • Synthetic ODM98 coating
  • Calibration of the spectral radiance from 380 nm to 1700 nm including calibration certificate

Spectral radiance calibration Standard lamp for fluorescence spectrometer

Compact design

Integrating sphere light source with a homogeneous entrance port of 20 mm. The sphere itself is based on a synthetic ODM98 coating with excellent long-term stability. As a light source a LH-5-Quartz halogen lamp is used.

Traceable calibration

The calibration of the device is in spectral radiance in a range of 380 nm to 1700 nm. Included is as well a calibration certificate which shows the traceable calibration chain back to a national metrology institute.


For operation an optional quality current regulated power supply of the LPS-100 can be used.



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