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A homogenous light source for camera calibration and pixel uniformity check has been designed.

  • Output port has a diameter is 3”
  • Intensity range from 0 cd/m² up to 60000 cd/m²
  • Inhomogeneity is smaller +/- 0.25 %
  • Relative calibration uncertainty is ± 2.0 %

ISS Configuration

A homogenous light source for camera calibration and pixel uniformity check has been
designed. The product is based on a integrated sphere type ISS-19P. The light sources
which are controlled by three LPS100-RM. The intensity of these can be adjusted
by variable apertures. The absolute measurement of the intensity is
measured by a X1-RM reference detector.

High Homogeneity

The aim was a high homogeneity and in addition an high tunable intensity range.


A factory calibration and as well an DAkkS ISO 17025 test is available in our high-quality calibration lab for radiometric and photometric quantities.

High Homogeneity

High Homogeneity

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Versatile Integrating Sphere Uniform Light Sources for High Dynamic Range Test and Calibration of Imaging and non-Imaging Devices
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