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Gigahertz Optik GmbH (Sede central)
Teléfono: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

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Teléfono: +1-978-462-1818

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Preconfigured hollow sphere of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres. Features: detector applications for 2π sources. 4.0 in / 101.6 mm dia measurement port. 12 in / 300 mm dia sphere. 97% barium sulfate coating.


ISD-30-BT Integrating sphere detector base sphere

The ISD-30-BT is used as a base sphere for setting up of integrating sphere detectors. Its measurement port has a 101.6mm diameter. The detector port with baffel is aligned at a 45° angle to the measurement port. A socket with an M6 connector is used for mounting.

Reflective coating made of barium sulfate

The ISD-30-BT is coated with Gigahertz-Optik‘s self-manufactured ODP97 barium sulfate diffusely reflective coating. The multilayer coating guarantees diffuse reflective properties over the entire usable spectral range.

Standard options

  • Port reducer for the measurement port
  • SMA light guide connector
  • Opening with plug for auxiliary lamp

Complementary products and services

For further enhancement of the ISD-30-BT, Gigahertz-Optik offers a wide range of port adapters and sphere accessories. These can be connected with radiation detectors and light meters for various applications. In addition, the Gigahertz-Optik calibration laboratory for optical radiation measurands performs traceable calibrations of the integrating sphere radiation detectors.

ISD-30-BT configured with additional ports.

ISD-30-BT configured with additional ports.

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Integrating sphere detector for Laser power in W