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Filter Change Wheel

  • Filter change wheel with variable aperture for use with lamp LS-OK30
  • Up to six 2" diameter filters
  • High resolution variable aperture
  • Two stepping motor drives for remote control via RS232 interface

High Dynamic Range

The combination of holes-pattern attenuating filter with a variable aperture is suitable when the light intensity of an integrating sphere light source should be adjustable within a large dynamic range at constant color temperature. The holes pattern attenuation filters are used to change the intensity levels in steps. The holes-pattern attenuation filter is changed using the filter wheel in the beam path between the light source and integrating sphere.

Optical filters

In addition to the use of OD filters, the filter wheel can also be equipped with optical filters for spectral matching purposes.


The FW-170-6×2 accommodates up to six 50 mm diameter filters. RS232 interface

FWVA-170-6x2 in combination with ISS-19

FWVA-170-6x2 in combination with ISS-19

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