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Gigahertz Optik GmbH (Sede central)
Teléfono: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

Gigahertz-Optik, Inc. (Oficina de US)
Teléfono: +1-978-462-1818

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Productos alternativos para este producto descatalogado:

Hand-held meter for the measurement of illuminance and light color. Features: Hand-held meter, datalogger, splash-proof, spectral irradiance, photopic, scotopic and melanopic illuminance, spectral irradiance, CCT, CRI, color coordinates, Option: WiFi, etc.
Compact and cost effective spectral light detector for conventional and LED lighting


RGB detector head for photopic illuminance and luminous color. Features: four sensor design, xy, u’v’, CCT, for the usage with X1 and P-9801 Optometer, part of HCT-99D, calibration certificate, for polychromatic light,


The CT-4501 is an RGB detector for measurement of the illuminance and luminous color. Its photometric responsivity and the cosine field of view function of the Y-detector correspond to the DIN 5032- Article 7 quality class B. Instead of the red, green and blue receptors found in the human eye and in many competitive products, the CT-4501 is equipped with four photodiodes. Separation of the x function in x-short and x-long photodiode enables the CT-4501 RGB detector to guarantee outstanding measurement results when combined with blue dominant light spectra. 

Each measurement channel in the CT-4501-1 RGB-detector has a signal line with a BNC connector. This enables connection of the measurement head to P-9801 series optometers. Typical applications of these measurement devices include industrial manufacturing processes where the switching mode of luminaires and light flashes have to be evaluated. 

The CT-4501-4 RGB detector is equipped with –4 plug suitable for connection onto both mobile and stationary optometers from the X1 series. Typical applications of these measurement devices include RGB monitor detectors and integrating sphere light sources. 

Traceable Calibrations 

The CT-4501 detectors are calibrated in terms of their absolute illuminance responsivity, luminous color responsivity and relative spectral responsivity by the Gigahertz-Optik calibration laboratory for optical radiation measurands. The calibrations are documented in an individual calibration certificate. The design and contents of the calibration certificate are in accordance with the ISO 17025 specifications.

CT-4501 typical XYZ responsivity

CT-4501 typical XYZ responsivity

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Compact and cost effective spectral light detector for conventional and LED lighting