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Collimator Light Source for Integrating Spheres

  • Base plate solution for for ART and ARTA sphere available
  • Attachable to UMBB with special LS-OK30 port
  • LS-OK30-FH can be used for e.g. CCT shifting (2856K illumination condition for photopic transmission)
  • Two beam options: Collimated beam (diameter 1 mm to 10 mm, angle 3,2° full angle), focused beam for distance 150 mm sphere diameter (spot size <7mm okay)

Modular Concept

The CLS-21 can be configured with several integration sphere solutions of Gigahertz-Optik. A base plate solution for for ART and ARTA sphere is available, as well as a special LS-OK30 port for UMBB spheres and another special port for UPK-150 integrating sphers.


For the LS-OK30 solution a LS-OK30-FH can be used for e.g. CCT shifting (2856K illumination condition for photopic transmission)

Flexible Configuration

Two beam options are available: Collimated beam (diameter 1 mm to 10 mm, angle 3,2° full angle), focused beam for distance 150 mm sphere diameter (spot size <7mm okay)

CLS-21 attached to UPB-150-ARTA

CLS-21 attached to UPB-150-ARTA

CLS-21-V01 attached to UPK-150

CLS-21-V01 attached to UPK-150

CLS-21 attached to UMBB-150

CLS-21 attached to UMBB-150

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Versatile Integrating Sphere Uniform Light Sources for High Dynamic Range Test and Calibration of Imaging and non-Imaging Devices