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Productos alternativos para este producto descatalogado:

Calibration Lamp for Spectral Irradiance and Illuminance
Calibration standard lamp for spectral radiant power in UV in 2Pi geometry


Calibration Standard Lamp for spectral irradiance in UV

  • Deuterium lamp with socket and target
  • Calibration spectral irradiance from 200 nm to 400 nm
  • Power supply optional

Calibration standard lamp as reference standard for spectral irradiance

One of the common measures of optical radiation is irradiance. This measure is used to evaluate the intensity of radiation incident on a reference surface in W/m². To calibrate measurement devices (spectroradiometers) for spectral irradiance measurements in W/(m²nm), calibrated light sources are required. These must ideally have a continuous spectrum within the spectral responsivity range of the instrument to be calibrated  and a traceable calibration to a National Metrology Institute (NMI). In addition, the lamps used must meet high requirements with regard to their short-term and long-term stability. The most commonly used halogen lamps, however, provide too little signal in the UV range. This is why deuterium light sources are often used in the UV range. Deuterium lamps provide a well usable calibration range from 200 nm to 400 nm.

Reference standard BN-1501

The reference standard BN-1501 is based on a 30 W deuterium lamp. The electrical connection is made via laboratory sockets on the stand. The transparent target allows for precise and reproducible alignment/positioning of the reference standard in the measurement setup.

Each lamp is subjected to a recorded burn-in process before being released. Only lamps that meet the strict burn-in criteria will be released.

Traceable calibration

The calibration of the spectral irradiance by the Calibration Laboratory for Optical Radiation Measurements of Gigahertz-Optik GmbH is traceable to common National Metrology Institutes (NMI) such as the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB).

Special lamp power supply LPS-D-30

Deuterium lamps require a special power supply for operation. The LPS-D-30 is suitable for the BN-1501.

Top View with lamp on

Top View with lamp on

Deuterium calibration standard for the UV range

Deuterium calibration standard for the UV range

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Calibration Lamp for Spectral Irradiance and Illuminance
Calibration standard lamp for spectral radiant power in UV in 2Pi geometry
LED based calibration standard according CIE reference spectrum L41 (CIE 251) lamp for luminous flux or irradiance including electrical supply and temperature stabilization