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UV Radiometers and UV Spectroradiometers

UV Measurement Technology

On this page you will find an overview of UV radiometers and UV spectroradiometers to measure UV radiation. This includes mobile instruments like UV-A, UV-B and UV-C radiometers as well as stationary integrating sphere systems e.g. for UV LED test.

A comprehensive product range offering accurate UV radiometry and spectroradiometry


UV-A UV-B UV-C - General purpose UV-37xx Series

General purpose range of high sensitivity broadband UV detectors with excellent cosine corrected f. o. v. and precisely matched spectral responses.

UV Curing Spectroradiometer

UV Curing Spectroradiometer - BTS256-UV

Spectral irradiance and dose 200 - 525 nm of high intensity sources. For handheld and conveyor belt use.

UV Curing

UV Curing - RCH-xxx Series

High irradiance level detectors for high power density and high temperature radiation sources commonly employed in UV and Blue light curing applications.

UV Spectroradiometer

UV Spectroradiometer - BTS2048-UV-S

A compact CCD-based spectroradiometer with outstanding stray light rejection, which is comparable only possible with double monochromators.

UV LED measurement

UV LED measurement

In conjunction with a Gigahertz-Optik integrating sphere, the BTS2048-UV fast BiTec sensor spectroradiometer is ideal for UV LED binning.

UV Photobiological hazard

UV Photobiological hazard

Measurement devices and systems for assessing UV hazards in accordance with IEC EN 62471 and EU directive 2006/25/EC and DIN EN 14255-1.

UV-C disinfection

UV-C disinfection

Narrowband UV-C irradiance detectors (254 nm) with sufficient dynamic range to measure both the health hazard and effective UV germicidal irradiance.

UV Phototherapy

UV Phototherapy

Dual detector based Optometer systems offering broadband UV-A, UV-B and additional calibrations for common phototherapy lamps such as TL01 and TL12.

Erythema Sun tanning lamps

Erythema Sun tanning lamps

Measurement devices and systems for erythemal weighted irradiance and sun tanning lamp testing including UV-C as required in IEC 60335-2-27.

Modular UV detectors

Modular UV detectors - MD-37 Series

Modular series including a wide range of base photodiode detector types with threaded front interface for fast and simple screw-on assembly of mating accessories.

UV-A and Illuminance

UV-A and Illuminance

UV-A and illuminance (lux) detector. Ideal for setting accurate viewing conditions used in dye-penetrant testing (DIN EN 1956, ASTM & MIL Standards) and dose control in the photostability testing of drug products as per ICH guidelines.