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The SphereSpectro150H Spectrophotometer

For all types of samples (diffuse, scattering and transparent)

Sample Detail

Introduction to Spectrophotometry

In general spectrophotometry is a method to measure which substances absorb light by measuring the intensity of light as a beam of light passes through sample. The fundamental principle is that each compound absorbs or transmits light over a certain range of wavelength and hence is a fingerprint of the sample itself. Resulting this measurement can also be used to measure the amount of a known chemical substance. The physical quantity is the spectral absorption coefficient. Spectrophotometry is one of the most useful methods of quantitative analysis in various fields such as chemistry, physics, biochemistry, material and chemical engineering and clinical applications.

Limitations of Spectrophotometry

Sampling Time

Usually the spectral range starting in the UV 200 nm to NIR 2500 nm is of interest. Scanning devices based on double monochromators are often used. However, they have limitations due to rather long measurement times in the range of 10 minutes to 20 minutes depending on the wavelength range and sampling interval.

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Turbid or Scattering Samples

Another limit are so called turbid or scattering samples. Since a part of the light is scattering and not absorbed additional to the spectral absorption coefficient also the spectral scattering coefficient is of interest. The design of a measurement setup that is able to measure both absolutely correct without any simplified modelling is non-trivial and the mathematical caculation algorithm is even more complex.

The Spectrophotometer Solution for all Samples

With the SphereSpectro 150 Series we have developed a spectrophotometer that can measure all samples precise and fast. Due to the use of array spectrometers measurement times of a few seconds (VIS and NIR) or in the range of a few minutes (full spectral range) are possible. Furthermore, a patented design and software algorithm allow the precise and accurate measurement of all samples.

Spectrophotometer for determining turbid/diffuse samples:

  • spectral absorption coefficient
  • effective scattering coefficient

For clear samples the classical 8°/d measurement geometry is supported

  • absorption and
  • transmission measurements

Different versions available in the spectral range UV, VIS to IR

Milk Liquid Sample
Sample Detail

Watch our SphereSpectro 150H Product Video for some quick facts

SphereSpectro 150H Spectrophotometer main Features on a glance

Simultaneous determination of

  • Absorption coefficient, µa
  • effective scattering coefficient, µs


  • Measurement on diffuse samples (solid or liquid)
  • Measurement in classical 8°/d measurement geometry for clear probes (according to DIN 5036-3 as well as CIE-130-1998)
  • Measurement within seconds
  • Precise and absolute measurements

Special Features

  • UV, VIS and IR spectral ranges
  • Large sample compartment with several probe fixing options
  • Plug & play with intuitive software package
  • Table top device
  • Easy sample handling