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For most technical applications of light, authorities like the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) or the Deutsche Industrienormen (DIN) have developed well-defined standards regarding its measurement. In virtually all areas connected with light, there is a strong demand for high quality measurement instruments. Many of these instruments must be specially designed and manufactured for the specific application. Moreover, these instruments must be calibrated against national standardization authorities, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States or the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Germany.

Gigahertz Optik not only offers a wide variety of absolutely calibrated light detectors, but also offers its experience in light measurement technology for the development of specialized solutions based on customer requirements. We run a high-end calibration laboratory according to ISO 17025:

We are also a member of DIN and the CIE:

As an innovation and science-driven company, we are also very active in this field. In addition, we focus on our customesr, hence we try to find the ideal measurement solution for our customer needs. In addition to the applications that you will find here, you will also find others highlighted under this link:

As well as other specific interesting articles in the knowledge base: