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Phone: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

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Phone: +1-978-462-1818

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Knowledge Base of Gigahertz-Optik®

In our knowledge base you will find interesting application examples, tutorials, technical articles as well as scientific publications. Our articles support you in the field of optical metrology.

We are happy to share our expertise with you and look forward to any questions and suggestions that may arise. You can reach us anytime by:

+49 (0) 8193-93 700-0

Tutorial Area

Modular Integrating Sphere Concept

Design Criteria for Integrating Sphere Detectors (ISD)

Design Criteria for Integrating Sphere Sources (ISS)

Design Criteria for Integrating Spheres for Material Properties (ISM)

Spectral Light Meters for Accurate Measurements of LED Lighting

A Stray Light Corrected Array Spectroradiometer for Complex High Dynamic Range Measurements in the UV Spectral Range

Technical Articles

LED / Laser / VCSEL (SSL) Testing

Flicker Measurement (Temporal Light Artefact) of LED Lighting

Spectral Mismatch Correction Factor a* / F*

ODM Material (Specifications)

BiTec Sensor (BTS Technology) for Spectroradiometers

Integrating Sphere Source for Homogenity and White Balance of Fisheye Cameras

Stray Light Suppression/Correction in Spectroradiometers

Calibration Laboratory - Measurement Quantities

Calibration Laboratory vs. Test Laboratory vs. Factory Certificate

Fluorescence-Free Radiant Flux Measurement of UV LEDs

Conformity assessments at Gigahertz Optik GmbH

Scientific Articles

Total ozone column intercomparison of Brewers, Dobsons, and BTS-Solar at Hohenpeißenberg and Davos in 2019/2020

Simultaneous Determination of Droplet Size, pH Value and Concentration to Evaluate the Aging Behavior of Metalworking Fluids

Improved Process Control by Using the Effective Scattering Coefficients to Determine the Fat Content in Homogenized Cow-Based Milk with Multivariate Data Modeling

Global Spectral Irradiance Array Spectroradiometer Validation According to WMO (BTS2048-VL-TEC-WP & BTS2048-UV-S-WP)
Precise Determination of the Optical Properties of Turbid Media using an Optimized Integrating Sphere and Advanced Monte Carlo Simulations
Adaption of an Array Spectroradiometer for Total Ozone Column (TOC) Retrieval using Direct Solar Irradiance Measurements in the UV Spectral Range
A New Study on Handheld Flicker Meters (BTS256-EF)
Combined OUT-OF-RANGE and IN-BAND Stray Light Correction for Array Spectroradiometers

Spectral aerosol optical depth from SI-traceable spectral solar irradiance measurements

Microscopic and Spectroscopic Study on Phase Separation in Highly Crosslinked Biobased Polyurethane Thermosets

Anti-Aliasing Filter Effects on Sampling Frequency and Effects of Mathematical Implementation


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