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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.

Alternative Products for this discontinued product:


Detector head for use in UV radiation protection measurements in accordance with DIN EN 12198 Safety of machinery - Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery


UV Hazard Risk Assessment

Several guidelines and standards concerning UV hazard risk assessment exist today. The ICNIRP spectral weighting function for Actinic UV, S(λ), is most commonly required (e.g. as in IEC/EN 62471). However, the XD-9510-4 detector offers a modified ICNIRP responsivity function in a two sensor design for best possible isolation between the UV-Aeff  and UV-Beff sensors. Their weighting function complies to the actinic weighting function required by DIN EN 12198-1 which differs from IEC/EN 62471 in the UV-A wavelength region. The angular response of the XD-9510-4 detector is cosine corrected.

Traceable Calibration

Calibration of the detector UV-A and UV-B (W/m²) responsivity is performed by the Gigahertz-Optik GmbH calibration laboratory for optical radiation measurements quantities. As with all light detectors supplied by Gigahertz-Optik calibration of absolute detector responsivity as well as detector individual measured relative spectral responsivity data is included.<

Recommended Optometer


XD-9510-4 - Typical Spectral Response

XD-9510-4 - Typical Spectral Response

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