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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.
Alternative Products for this discontinued product:
Four-Channel USB Optometer, Respectively Current Amplifier, Designed for Photometric and Radiometric Detectors for Mobile-Use
Optometer respectively Current Amplifier Module with 4 Input Channels and 7 Gain Ranges
The X1 optometer is available as a printed circuit board either with a housing and is suited for applications that do not require a keyboard or display
Four signal inputs enable connection with all measurement detectors from Gigahertz-Optk
The X1-PCB is a electronic board variant of the X1 for remote-control-only without display.
USB Powered
In remote control operation the X11 is powered through the USB or RS232 interface (special adapter cable).
Four-channel Meter
The unique feature of all X1s is their capability to operate multi-cell detector heads with up to four photodiodes with all four signals displayed or read-out via the USB or RS232 interfaces.
Multipurpose Light Measurement Instrument
All X1s can be combined with most of the Gigahertz-Optik single cell or multi cell light detector heads for use in a wide application range of radiometric, photometric and colorimetric measurements.