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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.
Alternative Products for this discontinued product:
ODM98 integrating sphere for intensity, reflectance and transmittance measurement applications
The UPK-50-F integrating sphere with ODM98 coating is designed for universal use in light intensity, reflectance and transmittance measurement applications. The 50 mm diameter integrating sphere with 10 mm diameter measurement and two auxiliary ports in ±8° orientation to the measurement port offers high light throughput required in light sensitive applications within the spectral range from 250 nm to 2500 nm. Its unique collar baffle design greatly avoids direct illumination of the detector port from the light input port in a conventional 90° port position sphere design. The baffle also makes it possible to operate up to 4 detectors or fiber light guide connectors on the sphere at the same time. The detector ports provides an interface for direct mounting of Gigahertz-Optik’s PD-11, TD-11 and VL-11 type light detectors and UFC-11 type fiber connectors.
Gigahertz-Optik’s calibration laboratory offers traceable spectral radiant power sensitivity calibration in the wavelength range from 250 nm to 1800 nm. For special cases please contact our sales team.