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Detector head for the measurement of irradiance in W/m²

  • spectral responsivity from 400 nm - 800 nm (VIS)
  • cosine field-of-view
  • for the usage with optometers and amplifiers
  • calibration certificate

The spectral responsivity range of the model RW-3703 covers the VIS range from 400 nm to 800 nm.

General Purpose Light Measurement Detector

The RW-37 series of radiometric detectors are primarily used for spectral broadband irradiance measurements within a defined spectral range of polychromatic radiation. Optical filters are used to shape the bare photodiode response to the desired spectral bandpass. The computer aided optical filter design produces the best possible broadband radiometric response within the spectral sector specified.

Cosine Field-of-View

A cosine F.O.V. characteristic of the detectors spatial responsivity is effected by the diffusor window of RW-37 detectors.

Designed for Wide Dynamic

The RW-37 detectors are designed for the highest possible irradiance sensitivity for low irradiance level applications. Hwever the wide range linearity of the photodiodes coupled with the Gigahertz-Optik optometers’s wide dynamic signal range amplifiers enable the RW-37 series detectors to be used in applications with high irradiances as well. The upper range is limited only by the detector maximum operating current and its specified operation temperature. 

Compact Housing

The RW-37 series irradiance detectors are built in a compact 37mm diameter black anodized aluminum housing. The shadow ring around the diffusor support the wide-angle cosine response. A side M6 tapped mounting hole allows the detector be fixed in place. The 37-type standard housing allows other SRT-M37 type accessories to be attached using the SRT-M45/37-B adapter for radiance or intensity measurements. 

Traceable Calibrations 

Calibration of irradiance in W/m² and/or W/cm² as well as the detector's relative spectral responsivity is performed at Gigahertz-Optik’s Calibration Laboratory. Besides the regular calibration with spectral broadband reference lamps alternative calibrations with monochromatic or custom type reference lamps can be supplied as an option. The calibration and its traceability are confirmed in the calibration certificate supplied with each detector.

Typical Spectral Responsivity

Typical Spectral Responsivity

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Detector head for the measurement of irradiance in W/m²
Detector head for the measurement of irradiance in W/m²

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