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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.
Alternative Products for this discontinued product:
In some cases cylindircal irradiance needs to be measured to allow high precision effective irradiance readings in e.g. UV curing by the use of multiple radiation sources around the sample.
Convincing specifications
High homogeneity of the cylindrical diffuser for precise measurements. High temperature resistance and low aging. Traceable calibration optimized for the corresponding radiation sources.
The detector is calibrated for 6 typical UV LED wavelengths in terms of its spectral irradiance responsivity and is supplied with a factory calibration certificate that corresponds to the high standard of the measuring laboratory for optical radiation measurements of Gigahertz-Optik. If necessary, a test certificate accredited according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 can optionally be created for the detector with the associated measuring device.