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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.

Alternative Products for this discontinued product:

ODM98-P Raw Material

Synthetic, white diffuse reflective raw material in plate shape. Features: High degree of reflectance from 250-2500nm with 98% at 555nm after further processing . High stability to optical and thermal radiation. Further processing by the customer or Gigahertz-Optik GmbH necessary.

ODM98-P Raw Material

Raw material. No optical finish. For further use in optical applications, processing at customer is needed. ODM with optical finish is also available.

ODM98 raw material

Raw ODM98 plates can be used for machining flat reflectance standards and small size components like integrating sphere baffles and other optical components requiring high reflectance.


For cost effectiveness the size of the raw plate should be as close as possible to the maximum dimensions of the final product. Custom size plates can be ordered for larger quantity OEM orders.

Single parts

Custom size plates are not available for prototypes or in small quantities. For small quantity orders Gigahertz-Optik stocks different size standard plates for fast delivery. Contact our sales department to discuss your raw block requirements.

Similar Products

ODM98-P Raw Material
Synthetic, white diffuse reflective raw material in blocks. Features: High degree of reflectance from (250-2500)nm with 98% at 555nm after further processing. High stability to optical and thermal radiation. Further processing by the customer or Gigahertz-Optik GmbH necessary.
ODM98-P Raw Material
Synthetic, white diffuse reflective raw material as foils. Features: High degree of reflectance from 250-2500nm with 98% at 555nm. High stability to optical and thermal radiation. Further processing by the customer or Gigahertz-Optik GmbH.
ODM98-P Raw Material
Synthetic, white diffuse reflective plates. Features: High degree of reflectance from 250-2400nm with 98% at 555nm. Precise machined plates in different sizes.
ODM98-P Raw Material
Synthetic, white diffuse reflective discs. Features: High degree of reflectance from 250-2400nm with 98% at 555nm. Precise machined discs in different sizes.
ODM98-P Raw Material
Synthetic white diffuse reflecting material machined in custom shapes. Features: High degree of reflectance from 250-2500nm with 98% at 555nm. High stability to optical and thermal radiation. Application as integrating sphere coating, reflectance standard, laser cavities and other.
ODM98-P Raw Material
Synthetic Diffuse Reflecting Material in Different Gray Scales

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