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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.

Alternative Products for this discontinued product:

MD-37 series

Detector head with M30x1 mount. Features: modular detector for use MD-37, SRT and other accessories, Si, SiLP, InGaAs, SiC, GaP photodiodes, for use with optometers and signal amplifiers

MD-37 series

Cost Effective Application Solution

The MD-37 series are designed as modular light detectors to be combined with optics, filters and mechanical components to configure complete light detection assemblies. Their mechanical interface makes mounting or adding other components easy and flexible.

M30x1 Threaded Interface

The MD-37 series detectors are designed with a M30x1 metric thread interface on the front end. The M30x1 is a common thread size in optics applications.

Wide Selection on Photodiode Types

The MD-37 detectors are available with different photodiodes from the ultraviolet to the near infrared wavelength range.

Custom Photodiode Configuration

A universal printed circuit board design allows other types and size photodiodes to be assembled into MD-37 detector housings.

Accessories with M30x1 Interface

For common light measurement applications Gigahertz-Optik GmbH offers the SRT-M37 series accessories with M30x1 thread interface for use with MD-37 detectors.

Traceable Calibrations

Optional calibration is available through Gigahertz-Optik’s Calibration Laboratory for Optical Radiation Quantities.

MD-37-SU Typical Spectral Responsivity Si Photodiode

MD-37-SU Typical Spectral Responsivity Si Photodiode

MD-37-IGA Typical Spectral Responsivity. InGaAs Photodiode

MD-37-IGA Typical Spectral Responsivity. InGaAs Photodiode

MD-37-SC Typical Spectral Responsivity. SiC Photodiode

MD-37-SC Typical Spectral Responsivity. SiC Photodiode

 MD-37-GP6 Typical Spectral Responsivity GaP Photodiode

MD-37-GP6 Typical Spectral Responsivity GaP Photodiode

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