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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.
Alternative Products for this discontinued product:
Variable aperture for use with lamp LS-OK30. Features: High resolution stepping motor drive for remote control via RS232 interface.
The aperture is mounted between the LS-OK30 light source and the integrating sphere. Both baffle blades are opened and closed using a high resolution, multi-phase drive belt motor. The baffle blades are coated black so minimize influence on the spectrum and hence the color temperature of the luminous flux. When closed, the baffle blades overlap thereby ensuring the best possible dimming. RS232 interface.
Neutral density filter for use with filter holder LS-OK30-FH. Features: Holes-pattern attenuators. No influence on the light spectrum and color temperature.