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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.

Alternative Products for this discontinued product:

Versatile Integrating Sphere Uniform Light Sources for High Dynamic Range Test and Calibration of Imaging and non-Imaging Devices
Uniform Integrating Sphere Light Source in Accordance with EMVA 1288
Uniform Integrating Sphere Source with Variable Intensity Control
Uniform Integrating Sphere Light Source with tungsten halogen and UV LED based sources


LED based versatile Integrating Sphere Uniform Light Sources for High Dynamic Range Test and Calibration of Imaging and non-Imaging Devices with spectral reference sensor and intuitive S-ISS software

  • Integrating sphere source with variable intensity control
  • 170 mm Ø sphere, 50.8 mm Ø port, BaSO4 coating
  • RGBW LED with adjustable intensity through aperture
  • Spectral reference Sensor CSS-45, Luminance and spectral radiance calibrations.
  • Systems includes an electronic device for system control

Integrating sphere light source 

The integrating sphere is a “Uniform Light Source” and provides an illumination field that exhibits a magnificent level of luminance homogeneity.

LEDs based light source

We offer this ISS with an RGBW LED setup in its standard configuration. Due to 4 separate power supply channels the spectral distribution can be tuned dynamically. Especially with the help of a spectroradiometric reference sensor such as the CSS-45, this control is very precise and it is also possible, for example, to control the CCT by means of different LED currents. This is in addition to the intensity control via a variable aperture and/or the LED current.

S-ISS intuitive & powerful control software

In addition to active control of CCT and intensity, the S-ISS can also be used for spectral measurements with the CSS-45 as well as data exports, control sequences, re-adjustments, etc. The S-ISS is therefore the system controller in software version. The performance range of the software will also be continuously increased.

Calibration standard for the spectral radiance 

Calibration of the spectral radiance of the illumination field makes it possible to use of the integrating sphere light source as a calibration standard for the comparison of spectral radiometers for spectral radiance. High Dynamic Range Test and Calibration of Imaging and non-Imaging Devices as well as imaging spectrometers or pixel alignment are also major applications. Due to the RGBW LED different CCTs can be used.

ISS-17-RGBW integrating sphere light source 

The adjustable aperture between the light source and the integrating sphere makes it possible to adjust the intensity of the spectral radiance and luminance at constant color temperature. The luminance is displayed as a reference value. Besides the luminance, the spectral monitor detector or also called reference detector measures spectral values like the color temperature. This makes it possible to set up the light source for different color temperatures. A diffuser window can be fixed between the light source and the sphere to improve diffuse light distribution in the integrating sphere. 

ED-SC-4x20-MD control electronic

The control electronic designed and manufactured by Gigahertz-Optik is set-up with a precise 4-channel power supply ensures high precision during operation of the integrating sphere light source.

Traceable calibration 

Calibration of the luminance, spectral radiance and color temperature is performed by the Gigahertz-Optik calibration laboratory for optical measurands. The calibration is done in reference to a calibration standard whose spectral radiance was calibration by the national measurements laboratory. The calibration and its results are confirmed by a corresponding calibration certificate that conforms to the ISO 17025.

ISS-17-RGBW with spectral CSS-45 reference detector

ISS-17-RGBW with spectral CSS-45 reference detector

The ISS-17-RGBW light source

The ISS-17-RGBW light source

The ISS-17-RGBW offers an excellent uniformity of the Luminance distribution of typical +/-0,5% to the center point and +/-0,3% to the average value. The diffuser UMPF-LSOK30-DTB was used during the measurement of sphere homogeneity.

The ISS-17-RGBW offers an excellent uniformity of the Luminance distribution of typical +/-0,5% to the center point and +/-0,3% to the average value. The diffuser UMPF-LSOK30-DTB was used during the measurement of sphere homogeneity.

S-ISS software for regulation and control of the system

S-ISS software for regulation and control of the system

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Uniform Integrating Sphere Light Source in Accordance with EMVA 1288
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Uniform Integrating Sphere Light Source with tungsten halogen and UV LED based sources

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