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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.

Alternative Products for this discontinued product:

Versatile Integrating Sphere Uniform Light Sources for High Dynamic Range Test and Calibration of Imaging and non-Imaging Devices
Integrating Sphere for Universal Use in Reflection, Transmission and Absorption Measurements


Dual use system for reflection measurements on flat, convex and concave displays and annulus design for separating specular, haze and lambertian reflection

  • Reflection Measurements using a Sampling
    Spheres on Flat, Convex, and Concave Displays
  • Combining Annulus and Variable Aperture Source Methods to Separate
    Specular, Haze and Lambertian Reflection Components
  • 300 mm sphere
  • individual port adapters available

With the ISMS-30-VAS we offer a product series which allows dual use for reflection measurements on flat, convex and concave displays and annulus design measurements for separating specular, haze and lambertian reflection.

Technology of the Sampling Sphere and Annulus Aperture Method

There are two main papers which introduced this technology:

The ICDM Information Display Measurements Standard (IDMS) section 11 describes how to use such a sphere. See the free of charge available International Committee for Display Metrology (ICDM), Information Display Measurements Standard (IDMS), version 1.2 (2023), sections Annulus Source Specular Reflection, and 11.8 Variable Aperture Source Specular Reflection.

Design of the ISMS-30-VAS

The ISMS-30-VAS is based on a 300 mm integrating sphere with two LED based light sources for best uniformity. Furthermore, an additional port is available if a reference sensor is needed (optional). There are on both sides port adapters for making the annulus method and sampling sphere method available. For the measurement of displays with different curvatures (concave, convex, flat, different angles, etc.) individual port adapters are available. These are fixed on the sphere by magnetic holders for best reproducibility.

Reflection Measurements Using Sampling Spheres on Flat, Convex, and Concave Displays

A sampling sphere was made commercially available to measure hemispherical diffuse reflection on flat and curved displays. Interchangeable sample ports eliminate the gap between sample port and convex or concave displays. This setup has been compared in the mentioned scientific paper to large integrating spheres.

Combining Annulus and Variable Aperture Source Methods to Separate Specular, Haze and Lambertian Reflection Components

The annulus light source method separates specular and diffuse components of reflected glare from display surfaces. Combining it with the variable aperture source method delivers source-size dependence. Measuring diagnostic reflection samples and ePaper with mirror-like or scattering surfaces confirmed that the source- size dependence of reflected glare comes from haze scatter.

ISMS-30-VAS as Light Source with large portadapter

ISMS-30-VAS as Light Source with large portadapter

ISMS-30-VAS top view with some accessories

ISMS-30-VAS top view with some accessories

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Versatile Integrating Sphere Uniform Light Sources for High Dynamic Range Test and Calibration of Imaging and non-Imaging Devices
Integrating Sphere for Universal Use in Reflection, Transmission and Absorption Measurements

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