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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.

Alternative Products for this discontinued product:

BTS256-LED Tester
Compact BiTec Spectroradiometer LED Tester for the Measurement of Total Luminous Flux of Single VIS and NIR LEDs


Integrating sphere detector for Laser power in W

  • 300 mm sphere diameter
  • 101.6 mm port diameter
  • BaSO4 coating
  • 400 nm - 1100 nm responsivity
  • for the usage with optometers and signal amplifiers

Integrating sphere detector with 300 mm diameter, configured to measure laser and laser diodes with a divergence up to 64° and peak powers up to 100 W.

100 mm Diameter Measurement Port

The ISD-30 integrating sphere detector with 300 mm diameter integrating sphere features a large 100 mm diameter measurement port making it suitable for use with larger diameter Laser beams like Laser range finders. The sphere is coated with Barium Sulfate (ODP97).

If needed, the measuring port can be reduced to smaller diameters with port reducers.

Broad Spectral Responsivity

The integrating sphere detector is equipped with a Si diode or a InGaAs diode. The Si diode covers the wavelength range from 400 nm to 1100 nm, the InGaAs the range from 800 nm up to 1800 nm. If the total responsivity range is needed, the ISD-30 is also available with both detectors.

Detectors with Diffuser Windows

Diffuser windows mounted in front of the detectors enable the detectors to integrate reflected radiation from almost the complete integrating sphere surface minimizing hot-spots caused by the first beam reflection.

Detector in “Shadow Position” 

The detector is positioned close to the measurement port for a large acceptance angle within the sphere without direct irradiation of the detector.

This eliminates the need to use a baffle.

Fiber Connector and Auxiliary Port

In addition to the detector port and the measurement port, the ISD-30 is also equipped with two additional ports:

-        A SMA connector to connect a fiber from a spectralradiometer to the sphere

-        An auxiliary port, e.g. to use for substitution correction


ISD-30-SiIGA, Application specific construction

ISD-30-SiIGA, Application specific construction

ISD-30-Si Typical Spectral Responsivity

ISD-30-Si Typical Spectral Responsivity

ISD-30-IGA Typical Spectral Responsivity

ISD-30-IGA Typical Spectral Responsivity

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Preconfigured hollow sphere of the UM series modular construction integrating spheres. Features: detector applications for 2π sources. 2.5 in / 63.5 mm dia measurement port. 8.5 in / 215 mm dia sphere. 97% barium sulfate coating.

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