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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.

Alternative Products for this discontinued product:

Calibration standard lamp for 2π spectral flux, total flux and CCT
Calibration standard lamp for spectral radiant power in UV in 2Pi geometry


LED based calibration standard according CIE reference spectrum L41 (CIE 251) lamp for luminous flux or irradiance including electrical supply and temperature stabilization

  • Including electrical supply and temperature stabilization
  • White LED which follows CIE recommendation
  • UMPA-1.0-HL mount
  • Optional calibration
  • Designed as "CIE reference spectrum L41" complying CIE 251:2023 "LED Reference Spectrum for Photometer Calibration"


LED Calibration Standards meets CIE 251:2023 "LED Reference Spectrum for Photometer Calibration"

Calibration standards enable the calibration and adjustment of measuring equipment to absolute measured values. Calibration standards offer the necessary traceable radiation source in the quantity to be calibrated. The BN-LLSF-2P is an LED based calibration standard based on the latest scientific findings (see Development of white LED illuminants for colorimetry and recommendation of white LED reference spectrum for photometry) which are currently also treated in CIE "TC2-90: LED Reference Spectrum for Photometer Calibration". This work has been publisched as CIE 251:2023 "LED Reference Spectrum for Photometer Calibration" and introduces CIE reference spectrum L41.

2π Radiation Characteristic for Luminous Flux

For the calibration of integrating sphere photometers which are used for the measurement of illuminants emitting into the hemisphere, e.g. light-emitting diodes and spot lights,  2π calibration standards are preferred. In this case, the calibration takes place under the same lighting conditions for the baffle and the sample holder, etc. as when measuring the test lamp.

Illuminance Calibration

The calibration source can be as well used as an illuminance standard for photometer calibration in serveral distances. We offer a positioning aid for precise positioning for irradiance or illuminance calibrations.


The BN-LLSF-2P calibration standard offers a 2π radiation characteristic and an LED based spectral distribution, according to the sources mentioned above, and is therefore suitable for the calibration of integrating sphere photometers or illumiance metersbased on a LED. The light source of the standard is a carefully selected white high power LED that is as close as possible to the specified spectral distribution and CCT of the recommendation. In other words it is desigend as a "CIE reference spectrum L41" light source. A special feature of the calibration standard is its fully integrated electronics, which allow simple plug & play operation because it already includes the fully automatic constant current and temperature control of the LED. The standard can be attached directly to the measurement port of an integrating sphere if it is designed with a UMPF-1.0-HL frame. Adapters are available for larger frames.

Traceable calibration

The calibration standard is calibrated by the calibration laboratory for optical radiation measurements at Gigahertz-Optik GmbH. The calibration is traceable to a reference standard that has been calibrated by a national measuring laboratory (NMI). The execution and the results of the calibration are confirmed in a factory calibration certificate or optionally a DAkkS test certificate.

Typical spectral distribution

Typical spectral distribution

BN-LLSF-2P Jig for precise positioing for irradiance or illuminance calibrations

BN-LLSF-2P Jig for precise positioing for irradiance or illuminance calibrations

BN-LLSF-2P on integrating sphere mount 1.0HL

BN-LLSF-2P on integrating sphere mount 1.0HL

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