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Gigahertz Optik GmbH (Headquarter)
Phone: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

Gigahertz-Optik, Inc. (US office)
Phone: +1-978-462-1818

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Suppliers Declaration of Gigahertz-Optik

We ask for your understanding that, due to the large volume of inquiries about supplier’s declarations, we cannot fill out supplier’s declarations individually. The following information should provide all information to you necessary to fill out supplier’s declarations. Please contact us if you feel that something is missing, and we will make sure to include it.

1. General Information 
1.1 Company Name Gigahertz Optik GmbH
1.2 Location An der Kaelberweide 12 - D-82299 Tuerkenfeld - Deutschland
1.3 Phone +49 (0) 8193-93700-0
1.4 Fax +49 (0) 8193-93700-50
1.5 E-Mail
1.6 Date of Incorporation Dec. 27th, 1985
1.7 Public Information Officer Stephanie Klein
1.8 WEEE-Reg. Number D 68443133
1.9 Part of Berghof Group
2. Central Themes 
2.1 Applications Production of optoelectronic equipment for measurement of light, and with light
2.2 Products Equipment for measurement of optical radiation (light)
Equipment for measurement of optical properties of materials
Calibration standards
2.3 Services Calibration of measurement equipment for optical radiation metrics
Calibration of measurement equipment for materials properties
Calibration of calibration standards
3. Location 
3.1 Total area 1300 m²
3.2 Production floor 650 m²
3.3 Calibration and Measurement Laboratory 300 m²
3.4 Sales, Administration, R&D 350 m²
3.5 Employees 50
4. Subsidiaries 
4.1 Company Name Gigahertz-Optik Inc
4.2 Location Bldg B – Ste 205, 110 Haverhill Rd, Amesbury MA 01913, USA
4.3 Phone +1 978-462-1818
4.4 Fax +1 978-462-3677
4.5 E-Mail
4.6 Date of Incorporation Feb. 12th, 2001
4.7 Contact Jim Litynski (President)
5. Quality Assurance System
5.1 General Gigahertz-Optik GmbH is not comprehensively certified by EN-ISO-9000 or a comparable standard. Certain divisions of the calibration laboratory are accredited by ISO/IEC17025, and utilize organizational and process structure according to the standard for factory calibration.
5.2 Accreditation The calibration laboratory for optical radiation metrics at Gigahertz-Optik GmbH is accredited by ISO/IEC 17025 for the measurement of optical metrics Spectral Responsivity of detectors andSpectral Irradiance of radiation sources.
5.2.1 Accreditation Information DKD-K-10601since 1993,D-K-15047-01-00 since August 2010
5.2.2 Inspection Agency Deutscher Kalibrierdienst became the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle DAkkS on Dec. 17th, 2009 (
5.2.3 Implementing Agency Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
5.3 Other Quality Management An internal quality assurance system is used for all other divisions.
5.3.1. Management The management of Gigahertz-Optik GmbH has put in to place an active quality assurance system in all divisions of the company and is responsible for implementation, maintenance, monitoring according to policy.
5.3.2 Contracts Specifications and services are represented in quotes and orders by article numbers and the associated specifications, or by individually complied service descriptions and declarations of acceptance.
5.3.3 Supply The purchase of products and services follow the guidelines of the technical divisions and occur under use of internal article numbers with associated data. Product identification Raw materials, components, and modules are marked with article numbers and product names before storage. Data backups Documents pertaining to purchase of raw materials, components, and modules is stored in paper and electronic formats. Electronic data stored on the central server is subject to short and long term backups.
5.3.4 Development The development of new products and the upkeep of existing products occurs through close coordination of the affected divisions and under leadership of a project manager. Documentation Drawings, part lists, and manufacturing and calibration descriptions are stored in electronic formats. Electronic data stored on the central server is subject to short and long term backups. Changes All changes are documented.
5.3.5 Production The production manager controls production. Storage Raw materials, components, and modules are stored in a separately partitioned area by members of the logistics division. Manufacturing Standard Products The production of modules and devices occurs according to written product-specific production and testing guidelines. Manufacturing Custom Products The production of custom modules and devices occurs according to written product-specific production and testing guidelines expressively designed for these products Material and Part Inspections The inspection of material and parts occurs according to written preparation for production to those described in the instruction process manufacturing steps. Quality Control Quality controls are executed and documented according to the written manufacturing instructions. Final Control The final inspection is generally executed through a calibration. The calibration is completed by adjusting the measurement device and verifying the validity of data according to written calibration instructions. Calibration Product calibrations are performed by trained personnel under responsibility of the production manager. Calibration Certificates Calibration of each device is affirmed by a calibration certificate, saved in electronic form. Electronic data stored on the central server is subject to short and long term backups. Final Control The final inspection is generally executed through a calibration. The calibration is completed by adjusting the measurement device and verifying the validity of data according to written calibration instructions. Management Operations, maintenance, and quality control are the responsibility of the calibration laboratory manager and his deputy Accreditation The calibration laboratory of Gigahertz-Optik GmbH is accredited by ISO/IEC 17025 for the measurement quantities Spectral Responsivity and Spectral Irradiance. Accreditation of Management The laboratory manager and his deputy are mentioned in the accreditation documents for the ISO/IEC17025accredited part of the calibration laboratory. Other Quality Management An internal quality assurance system is used for all other divisions of the calibration laboratory. Traceability Internal audits ensure traceability in accordance with international standards for all product calibrations. Traceability Management The maintenance of the standards utilized in calibrations is described in the handbook for the calibration laboratory of Gigahertz-Optik GmbH. Staff Training New employees receive training and instruction in using the measurement and calibration instructions. The schooling is performed by the manager of the calibration laboratory or his deputy. Development The development of calibration strategies for new products is the responsibility of the manager of the calibration laboratory. Recalibration Dates The recalibration dates recommended by Gigahertz-Optik GmbH are marked on the products. Recalibration Process Recalibrations are performed cyclically. The dates are marked in the annual calibration calendar. Instructions for the recalibration process are included in each recalibration offer. Identification The calibration certificates for recalibrations are matched to the measurement device by its serial numbers. Calibration Certificates The calibration certificates are structured according to the ISO/IEC17025standard. Communication In case of an obvious defect or excessive deviations, we will contact the customer prior to performing the calibration to confirm the course of action.
6. Environmental Management 
6.1 General The management of Gigahertz-Optik GmbH and their employees are committed to active environmental management. Legal regulation are noted and implemented.
6.2 ElektroG from March 16th, 2005 Gigahertz-Optik GmbH is registered at the EAR under WEEE-Reg.-Nr.DE68443133.
6.3 RoHS 2015/863/EU See Customer Information on Constituents from Gigahertz-Optik GmbH.
6.4 REACH 1907/2006/EG See Customer Information on Product Status from Gigahertz-Optik GmbH for information on REACH.(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances).
6.5 EBPG 2008/28/EG See Customer Information on Constituents from Gigahertz-Optik GmbH.
6.6 ChemG 2013 See Customer Information on Constituents from Gigahertz-Optik GmbH.
6.7 ChemVerbotsV 2003 See Customer Information on Constituents from Gigahertz-Optik GmbH.
6.8 Directive 94/62/EG See Customer Information on Constituents from Gigahertz-Optik GmbH.
6.9 Power Supply Power supply with 100% electricity from renewable energies with green electricity certificate
7. Health and Safety 
General Employees are regularly schooled in matters relevant to health and safety.
8. Author 
Managing Partner Dr. Ralf Zuber (email: r.zuber(at)

Last updated: December, 2022