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Gigahertz Optik GmbH
Tel. +49 (0)8193-93700-0
Fax +49 (0)8193-93700-50

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Dieses Produkt wird nicht mehr hergestellt. Ggf. können noch Restbestände angeboten werden. Bitte beachten Sie die Alternativen, die unten unter "Ähnliche Produkte" aufgeführt sind, oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt.

Alternative Produkte zu diesem abgekündigten Produkt:

Ulbrichtkugel-Messkopf für Lichtstrom (lm) von 2π Strahlern


Breitband Fotometer und Radiometer für Lichtstrom und Strahlungsleistung. Features: Mobiles Messgerät. Ulbrichtkugel Messköpfe mit photometrischer bzw. radiometrischer (400-1000nm) Empfindlichkeit. 50mm Kugeldurchmesser. Für polychromatische Strahler.


Photometer and Radiometer for Narrow Beam and Fiber Light Sources

The X94 (Xnine four) meter is a compact lightweight photometer and radiometer for the measurement of luminous flux in Lumen (lm) and radiant power in watts (W) with its ISD-5-VL-4* luminous power and SD-5-VISNIR-4** radiant power integrating sphere detectors.

Lumen power measurement of cold light sources (e.g. endoscopes) employing light guides or rigid optics.

The ISD-5-VL-4 luminous flux detector is set-up with a compact 50mm diameter integrating sphere with 12.5mm measurement port. The photodiode detector with precise V(λ) photometric correction filter matches the DIN CIE standard to equal or better than 5% for DIN Class B specification.

Radiant Power measurement of light sources employing light guides or rigid optics.

The ISD-5-VISNIR-4 integrating sphere detector includes a compact 50mm diameter integrating sphere with 12.5mm measurement port and a photodiode detector with radiometric correction filter for the wavelength range from 400 to 1000nm.

Simple to Use Lightmeter

The X94 meter is a handheld battery operated meter with 9 mm high character LCD display for easy viewing. Its high linear current to voltage amplifier offers seven automatically (or manually?) selected gain ranges. The maximum uncertainty within this wide dynamic range is 0.2 %. Operating the X94 is simple. Once set-up all settings are stored and recalled on next power-up unless changed. The meter is operated by a standard 9V battery. An optional BHO-01 hard-shell case is available.

Traceable Calibration

Both detectors and the meter are traceable calibrated to international standards.

Custom Labeling Welcome

* previous model LSM-9901-4
**previous model PRW-0505-4

ISD-5-VL Typical Spectral Responsivity

ISD-5-VL Typical Spectral Responsivity

ISD-5-VISNIR Typical Spectral Responsivity

ISD-5-VISNIR Typical Spectral Responsivity

Ähnliche Produkte

Vierkanal USB-Optometer, bzw. Stromverstärker, für photometrische und radiometrische Detektoren für den mobilen Einsatz
Ulbrichtkugel-Messkopf für Lichtstrom (lm) von 2π Strahlern
Ulbrichtkugel-Messkopf für Strahlungsleistung in W von 2π Strahlern
