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Gigahertz Optik GmbH
Tel. +49 (0)8193-93700-0
Fax +49 (0)8193-93700-50

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Dieses Produkt wird nicht mehr hergestellt. Ggf. können noch Restbestände angeboten werden. Bitte beachten Sie die Alternativen, die unten unter "Ähnliche Produkte" aufgeführt sind, oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt.

Alternative Produkte zu diesem abgekündigten Produkt:

Ulbrichtkugel-Detektor für Laser Leistung in W


Breitband Radiometer für LASER-Leistung. Features: Mobiles Messgerät. Messkopf mit 7mm Apertur oder Messkopf mit kompakter Ulbrichtkugel. Wellenlängen Bereich 400 bis 1100 nm.


Radiometer for Low and Medium Power Lasers

The X93 (Xnine three) meter is a compact lightweight radiometer for the measurement of Laser Power and Laser Power Density in W and W/m² within the wavelength range from 400 to 1100nm.

7mm Diameter Light Detection Area

The detector LP-9901-4 offers a low profile 8mm height housing with 7mm diameter measurement window for the measurement of laser power in mW and power density in mW/m². A 100mm long handle assists safe placement of the detector head in the measurement zone. Its power range varies with wavelength with a maximum of 100mW at 633nm.

50mm Diameter Integrating Sphere

The ISD-5-Si-4 (formerly model LP-9910-4) is built with a compact 50mm diameter integrating sphere with 12.5mm measurement port and a silicon photodiode detector. The +/-45° acceptance angle enables measurement of lasers and laser diodes with dispersed beams and reduces the need for perpendicular alignment of the laser to the detector.

Integrating Spheres Avoids Regular Reflection

The integrating sphere disperses the incoming laser beam which avoids resonance in the laser chamber a problem with plane detectors with reflective surface that can reflect the beam back into the laser chamber.

Traceable Calibration

Both detectors are calibrated for spectral sensitivity from 400 to 1100nm in 10nm wavelength steps as well as for power density. The calibration is traceable to international standards.

Simple to Use

The X93 meter is a handheld battery operated meter with 9 mm high character LCD display for easy viewing. Operating the X93 is simple. Hard-shell case is optionally available.

Custom Labeling Welcome

LP-9901-4 Flat Field Detector

LP-9901-4 Flat Field Detector

ISD-5-Si-4 Integrating Sphere Detector

ISD-5-Si-4 Integrating Sphere Detector

Ähnliche Produkte

Vierkanal USB-Optometer, bzw. Stromverstärker, für photometrische und radiometrische Detektoren für den mobilen Einsatz
Messkopf zur Messung der LASER-Strahlungsleistung in W und LASER Bestrahlungsstärke in W/m²
Ulbrichtkugel-Detektor für Laser Leistung in W
