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Alternative Produkte zu diesem abgekündigten Produkt:
ISD-1.6-Si and ISD-1.6-Si-FC: 16mm Ø Integrating Sphere Detector for Laser Power
Compact Size Integrating Sphere Detector
The ISD-1.6-Si integrating sphere detector employs a 16 mm diameter Barium Sulfate (ODP97) coated integrating sphere with 3mm measurement port and a Silicon photodiode.
Direct Irradiation of Fiber Connector
The ISD-1.6-Si-FC is designed for applications where both the power and spectral distribution of Laser diodes must be measured. High resolution spectrometers are needed to measure the narrow spectra Laser diodes so the FC fiber connector is placed opposite the measurement port of the integrating sphere to allow direct irradiation of the fiber for maximum radiation input to the spectrometer.
Traceable Calibrations
Calibration of spectral radiant power sensitivity in W is performed at Gigahertz-Optik’s Calibration Laboratory for Optical Radiation Quantities